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9 tips for generating more small business blogging ideas

If you’ve set out to regularly update your small business blog with consistent quality content— kudos to you! However, it can be difficult to maintain the initial idea flow for posts. If you’re drawing a blank, don’t fret. Here are nine tips for inducing those ‘eureka’ moments.
See a few below:
  • Your backstory. Potential customers want to know more about you and your business—it’s a cornerstone of trust building. Why not write a post about who you are, where you came from, and what your company is passionate about?
  • Keyword tool. Use keyword bibles like Google Adwords and Wordtracker and you’ll be bursting with ideas in no time. Plus, you’ll know exactly what users are looking for.
  • Tutorials. Post helpful articles or videos or podcasts related to your industry. Are you an auto company? Post a video about how to properly change a flat tire.
See all nine at Pro Blogger.
If you’ve set out to regularly update your small business blog with consistent quality content— kudos to you! However, it can be difficult to maintain the initial idea flow for posts. If you’re drawing a blank, don’t fret. Here are nine tips for inducing those ‘eureka’ moments.
See a few below:
  • Your backstory. Potential customers want to know more about you and your business—it’s a cornerstone of trust building. Why not write a post about who you are, where you came from, and what your company is passionate about?
  • Keyword tool. Use keyword bibles like Google Adwords and Wordtracker and you’ll be bursting with ideas in no time. Plus, you’ll know exactly what users are looking for.
  • Tutorials. Post helpful articles or videos or podcasts related to your industry. Are you an auto company? Post a video about how to properly change a flat tire.
See all nine at Pro Blogger.