Yesterday, Google joined Twitter with a company account. We twittered a few search engine-related addresses as part of our post about that, but we wanted to do one that was a little more organized. So welcome to our big search engine Twitter list!
The list isn’t complete, nor will it ever be. But that’s how it went with blogging. A few years ago, search engines and their employees jumped into the world of blogging (our Search Engine Land blogroll lists a number of these). “Who’s blogging” lists soon emerged, until blogging became so mainstream that people stopped bothering to keep track.
Now the early adopters are turning to Twitter, and in turn, making it more mainstream. Here’s a starting list of who’s out there from the search engine world:
Google & Google Product Blogs
The list isn’t complete, nor will it ever be. But that’s how it went with blogging. A few years ago, search engines and their employees jumped into the world of blogging (our Search Engine Land blogroll lists a number of these). “Who’s blogging” lists soon emerged, until blogging became so mainstream that people stopped bothering to keep track.
Now the early adopters are turning to Twitter, and in turn, making it more mainstream. Here’s a starting list of who’s out there from the search engine world:
Google & Google Product Blogs
- google / Google (main account)
- youtube / YouTube
- googleimages / Google Image Search
- googlereader / Google Reader
- googleapps / Google Apps
- blogger / Blogger
- mattcutts / Matt Cutts (head of web spam team)
- brianwhite / Brian White (program manager with web spam team)
- nathanjohns / Nathan Johns (search quality analyst)
- beahburger / Beah Burger (search quality evaluator)
- reidyokoyama / Reid Yokoyama (search quality team)
- wysz / Michael Wyszomierski (search quality team)
- pedrodias / Pedro Dias (search quality team)
- filiber / Fili (search quality)
- googlewmc / Google Webmaster Central (main account)
- susanmoskwa / Susan Moskwa (Google Webmaster Central)
- peeyush / Peeyush Ranjan (Google Webmaster Central)
- thatadamguy / Adam Lasnik (webmaster relations)
- johnmu / John Mueller (webmaster relations
- adwordshelper (main AdWords support account)
- adwordsprosarah (additional AdWords support account)
- avinashkaushik / Avinash Kaushik (Google Analytics evangelist)
- cdibona / Chris DiBona (Open Source evangelist, among other titles)
- iamjason / Jason Morrison (Googler)
- jhuber / Jeff Huber (senior vice president, engineering)
- joshu / Joshua Schachter (technical staff at Google & founder, Delicious)
- kraneland / David Krane (long-time Google PR maestro)
- larrybrilliant / Larry Brilliant (chief philanthropy evangelist,
- mikeleotta / Mike Leotta (Google webmaster)
- rklau / Rick Klau (business product manager, Blogger)
- skamdar / Sagar Kamdar (product manager)
- live_search / Live Search (main account)
- nathanbuggia / Nathan Buggia (Microsoft Webmaster Center)
- jandrick / Jeremiah Andrick (Microsoft Webmaster Center)
- ayazook / Aya Zook (Microsoft Live Search marketing)
- benmwatson / Ben Watson (Live Search software engineer)
- fareologist (official Microsoft Live Search Farecast)
- cashbackdotcom (official Microsoft Live Search cashback)
- adcenterblog / adCenter Blog (main Microsoft adCenter account)
- msadvertising / Microsoft Advertising Europe
- melcarson / Mel Carson (adCenter community relations)
- powerset / Powerset (main account)
- barneyp / Barney Pell (Powerset founder)
- jsenior / James Senior (Live services evangelist)
- yahoo / Yahoo (main Yahoo account)
- yahoogames / Yahoo Games
- yahoomovies / Yahoo Movies
- yahoobuzz / Yahoo Buzz main account
- yahoosearchdata /Yahoo Search Data (interesting stats from Yahoo Buzz)
- meredfern / Joff Redfern (VP Yahoo Buzz)
- searchmonkey / Yahoo Search Monkey main account
- cornett / Larry Cornett (vice president, Yahoo Search Product)
- crispierry / Cris Pierry (general manager, Yahoo Search)
- grahammudd / Graham Mudd (Yahoo Search Monkey & BOSS)
- jpederse / Jan Pedersen (Chief scientistt, Yahoo Search & Ad Tech Group)
- mwinters58 / Mike Winters (Yahoo Search team)
- rajgossain / Raj Gossain (vice president, Yahoo Search)
- sheila / Sheila Tran (Yahoo PR)
- adamzarlengo / Adam Zarlengo (product manager, Yahoo Movies)
- dennismortensen / Dennis Mortensen (director of data insights)
- kylelaughlin / Kyle Laughlin (general manager, Yahoo Games)
- lauralippay / Laura Lippay (director of technical marketing)
- tonyadam / Tony Adam (SEO for Yahoo Audience Marketing)
- yahooguy / Gabe Elliott (search and display ad exec)
- askdotcom / Europe
- keithhogan / Keith Hogan (vice president, technology)
- techmeme / Techmeme (main account)
- gaberivera / Gabe Rivera (founder, Techmeme)
- megan / Megan McCarthy (editor, Techmeme)
- twitter / Twitter (main account)
- ev / Evan Williams (CEO, Twitter & cofounder)
- biz / Biz Stone (Twitter cofounder)
- craignewmark (Founder of Craigslist)
- kevinrose / Kevin Rose (Founder, Digg)
- skrenta / Rich Skrenta (CEO, Blekko)
- thegoldenhat (head of SEO for Facebook)
- sengineland, Search Engine Land
- dannysullivan, Danny Sullivan
- elisabethos, Elisabeth Osmeloski
- gsterling, Greg Sterling
- mattmcgee, Matt McGee
- michellerobbins, Michelle Robbins (technical directory
- rustybrick, Barry Schwartz
- vanessafox, Vanessa Fox
Yesterday, Google joined Twitter with a company account. We twittered a few search engine-related addresses as part of our post about that, but we wanted to do one that was a little more organized. So welcome to our big search engine Twitter list!
The list isn’t complete, nor will it ever be. But that’s how it went with blogging. A few years ago, search engines and their employees jumped into the world of blogging (our Search Engine Land blogroll lists a number of these). “Who’s blogging” lists soon emerged, until blogging became so mainstream that people stopped bothering to keep track.
Now the early adopters are turning to Twitter, and in turn, making it more mainstream. Here’s a starting list of who’s out there from the search engine world:
Google & Google Product Blogs
The list isn’t complete, nor will it ever be. But that’s how it went with blogging. A few years ago, search engines and their employees jumped into the world of blogging (our Search Engine Land blogroll lists a number of these). “Who’s blogging” lists soon emerged, until blogging became so mainstream that people stopped bothering to keep track.
Now the early adopters are turning to Twitter, and in turn, making it more mainstream. Here’s a starting list of who’s out there from the search engine world:
Google & Google Product Blogs
- google / Google (main account)
- youtube / YouTube
- googleimages / Google Image Search
- googlereader / Google Reader
- googleapps / Google Apps
- blogger / Blogger
- mattcutts / Matt Cutts (head of web spam team)
- brianwhite / Brian White (program manager with web spam team)
- nathanjohns / Nathan Johns (search quality analyst)
- beahburger / Beah Burger (search quality evaluator)
- reidyokoyama / Reid Yokoyama (search quality team)
- wysz / Michael Wyszomierski (search quality team)
- pedrodias / Pedro Dias (search quality team)
- filiber / Fili (search quality)
- googlewmc / Google Webmaster Central (main account)
- susanmoskwa / Susan Moskwa (Google Webmaster Central)
- peeyush / Peeyush Ranjan (Google Webmaster Central)
- thatadamguy / Adam Lasnik (webmaster relations)
- johnmu / John Mueller (webmaster relations
- adwordshelper (main AdWords support account)
- adwordsprosarah (additional AdWords support account)
- avinashkaushik / Avinash Kaushik (Google Analytics evangelist)
- cdibona / Chris DiBona (Open Source evangelist, among other titles)
- iamjason / Jason Morrison (Googler)
- jhuber / Jeff Huber (senior vice president, engineering)
- joshu / Joshua Schachter (technical staff at Google & founder, Delicious)
- kraneland / David Krane (long-time Google PR maestro)
- larrybrilliant / Larry Brilliant (chief philanthropy evangelist,
- mikeleotta / Mike Leotta (Google webmaster)
- rklau / Rick Klau (business product manager, Blogger)
- skamdar / Sagar Kamdar (product manager)
- live_search / Live Search (main account)
- nathanbuggia / Nathan Buggia (Microsoft Webmaster Center)
- jandrick / Jeremiah Andrick (Microsoft Webmaster Center)
- ayazook / Aya Zook (Microsoft Live Search marketing)
- benmwatson / Ben Watson (Live Search software engineer)
- fareologist (official Microsoft Live Search Farecast)
- cashbackdotcom (official Microsoft Live Search cashback)
- adcenterblog / adCenter Blog (main Microsoft adCenter account)
- msadvertising / Microsoft Advertising Europe
- melcarson / Mel Carson (adCenter community relations)
- powerset / Powerset (main account)
- barneyp / Barney Pell (Powerset founder)
- jsenior / James Senior (Live services evangelist)
- yahoo / Yahoo (main Yahoo account)
- yahoogames / Yahoo Games
- yahoomovies / Yahoo Movies
- yahoobuzz / Yahoo Buzz main account
- yahoosearchdata /Yahoo Search Data (interesting stats from Yahoo Buzz)
- meredfern / Joff Redfern (VP Yahoo Buzz)
- searchmonkey / Yahoo Search Monkey main account
- cornett / Larry Cornett (vice president, Yahoo Search Product)
- crispierry / Cris Pierry (general manager, Yahoo Search)
- grahammudd / Graham Mudd (Yahoo Search Monkey & BOSS)
- jpederse / Jan Pedersen (Chief scientistt, Yahoo Search & Ad Tech Group)
- mwinters58 / Mike Winters (Yahoo Search team)
- rajgossain / Raj Gossain (vice president, Yahoo Search)
- sheila / Sheila Tran (Yahoo PR)
- adamzarlengo / Adam Zarlengo (product manager, Yahoo Movies)
- dennismortensen / Dennis Mortensen (director of data insights)
- kylelaughlin / Kyle Laughlin (general manager, Yahoo Games)
- lauralippay / Laura Lippay (director of technical marketing)
- tonyadam / Tony Adam (SEO for Yahoo Audience Marketing)
- yahooguy / Gabe Elliott (search and display ad exec)
- askdotcom / Europe
- keithhogan / Keith Hogan (vice president, technology)
- techmeme / Techmeme (main account)
- gaberivera / Gabe Rivera (founder, Techmeme)
- megan / Megan McCarthy (editor, Techmeme)
- twitter / Twitter (main account)
- ev / Evan Williams (CEO, Twitter & cofounder)
- biz / Biz Stone (Twitter cofounder)
- craignewmark (Founder of Craigslist)
- kevinrose / Kevin Rose (Founder, Digg)
- skrenta / Rich Skrenta (CEO, Blekko)
- thegoldenhat (head of SEO for Facebook)
- sengineland, Search Engine Land
- dannysullivan, Danny Sullivan
- elisabethos, Elisabeth Osmeloski
- gsterling, Greg Sterling
- mattmcgee, Matt McGee
- michellerobbins, Michelle Robbins (technical directory
- rustybrick, Barry Schwartz
- vanessafox, Vanessa Fox