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50 Terrific iTunes U Lectures to Get You Through the Economic Crisis

If you’re feeling the pinch in your paycheck, you may or may not feel comfortable going back to school right now, even if it can help your career prospects in the long run. You can, however, visit iTunes U for free access to helpful courses that will enlighten you to the state of the economy, inspire you to start your own business, and give you a little more perspective on what you should be doing with your money.
Economic Principles
Review the basics of economics here.
  1. What’s the point of economics?: Learn why the study of economics is still relevant today. [University of Cambridge]
  2. Microeconomic Analysis: Learn all about resource allocation and price determination in this course. [UC Berkeley]
  3. Trade and Economics: This lecture will teach you all about the role of trade in economics. [CSIS]
  4. Principles of Macroeconomics: This lecture will help you understand the principles of macroeconomics. [Rose State College]
  5. Statistics: This course teaches the fundamentals of statistics. [Texas A&M University]
  6. Using Mathematics: Discover how mathematics is used in the modern world, including to analyze economic problems. [The Open University]
  7. Statistics Tutorials: This series of six statistics tutorials teaches you how to sort data, generate variables, and more. [American University]
These economic policy courses can help you understand the new financial security measures being taken now to protect us in the future.
  1. American Economic History: Better understand the current crisis by studying America’s economic history. [UC Berkeley]
  2. The Political Economy of the Subprime Crisis: Analyze the political response to the credit crisis and subprime crisis. [University of Warwick]
  3. Politics, Economics and Social Issues: Watch these lectures to learn how politics and economics are intertwined in the modern age. [Vanderbilt University]
  4. The Power of Collaboration in Trans-National Action: Discover if and how working together can solve a crisis. [Princeton University]
  5. USC Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events: These two lectures analyze the economic impact of homeland security measures. [University of Southern California]
  6. Politics and Policy: Take a look at globalization and welfare states in this lecture series, which includes topics like controlling health costs, education costs, pension policy and more. [University of Warwick]
  7. In the Wake of Economic Reform: New Prospects for a Nation Building State: Gain insight into this economic reform plan for Australia. [Australian National University]
  8. Climate Change Investments in a Low Carbon Economy: Find out if investing in environmental strategies and policies will boost the economy. [Yale]
Economics and Culture
Here you’ll gain insight into how economics and business growth affects culture, and how society responds to crisis.
  1. Predictably Irrational: Learn how to control your behavior and make smart decisions even during a crisis. [Duke]
  2. Leadership Development: Turn your ideas into veritable business and investment prospects when you take this leadership course. [Baniff Centre]
  3. Understanding Cities: Learn about the culture and economic stress of urban environments in this lecture. [The Open University]
  4. True to Yourself: Leading a Life of Service and Fulfillment: Social entrepreneur Mark S. Albion can give you inspiration to pursue a new direction in life amid financial crisis. [Princeton University]
  5. Leadership for Change — Making Change Happen: Learn about the strategies and characteristics needed to bring about change during a crisis. [University of British Columbia]
  6. Ethical Principles: Apply fundamental ethics principles to the reactions and responses of corporate America, everyday citizens and anyone else affected by the financial crisis. [Florida Institute of Technology]
  7. Happiness, economics and society: Consider whether or not focusing on happiness rather than economic growth would prove beneficial to society. [University of Warwick]
These financial planning and management lectures from speakers at Loyola Marymount, Wellesley, and the London School of Economics coach you during this volatile time.
  1. The Causes and Consequences of the 2008 Financial Crisis: Find out how the present financial crisis all began. [Wellesley]
  2. Market Journal 336: Learn about the stimulus package and surviving the financial crisis. [University of Nebraska]
  3. Financial Management: This series of lectures can help you analyze risk, stocks and budgeting. [ACU]
  4. Financial Planning and Control: This lecture series covers bonds, stocks, portfolio theory, investment basics, tax planning, and more. [Loyola Marymount University]
  5. Money 101: Retirement and Investing: Regain control of your retirement savings here. [American Public Media]
  6. The Credit Crunch and the U.S. Economy: Find out what this lecturer has to offer in terms of perspective on the financial collapse. [London School of Economics]
  7. Villanova School of Business Forum on the Credit Crisis: Watch as this panel fields questions and concerns about the credit crisis. [Villanova University]
  8. Understanding the Financial Crisis: This 2009 lecture series attempts to make sense of the financial meltdown. [UNC Law]
Global Economics
Discover how the markets across the world are all connected, and how globalization is spreading the economic crisis.
  1. Made in China: A Changing China: Learn how China is becoming a new world power. [Stanford]
  2. Globalization and the U.S. Economy: Find out how and when globalization started affecting the U.S. economy. [Stanford]
  3. The Credit Crunch and Global Recession: Understand how the credit crunch is affecting markets around the world and what it means for the future of the current recession. [Oxford University]
  4. Globalization: Is There a Role for Developing Nations?: Learn how developing nations impact and contribute to globalization. [Stanford]
  5. China’s Rise: Implications for the World Economy and Energy Markets: Discover how China’s rise impacts markets all over the world. [Stanford]
  6. Globalization and Business Practices: Discover how business, technology, politics and even culture are intertwined due to globalization. [Georgia State University]
  7. An Open Economy - the Progressive Response to Global Change: Here you’ll learn about a new economic strategy for accommodating rapid global change. [London School of Economics]
  8. The Global Financial Crisis: David Held, Will Hutton and Martin Wolf discuss the global financial crisis. [London School of Economics]
  9. China and Globalization: Find out why this lecturer believes "China is the most important global economic story of the 21st century." [Marketplace]
  10. The Global Economic and Financial Market: Min Zhu, the Vice President of Bank of China Limited leads this lecture. [Princeton University]
  11. The Space of Nations: Territory and History Before Globalization: Get another look at globalization and country relations before globalization. [Vanderbilt University]
  12. The Political Economy of the Global Coal Market: Better understand the environmental and economic implications of a healthy coal market. [Stanford]
  13. The Future of Work: How Globalization and Technology are Changing the Way We Do Our Jobs: By listening to this lecture, you may be able to get an idea of how secure your job is. [CUNY Baruch]
These business lectures will inspire you to start your own business, grow the one you have, and become a better manager and business leader.
  1. Building a Business: Learn about the science of entrepreneurship as well as basic business skills that will keep you afloat. [Oxford University]
  2. Ethics and Corporate Responsibility: Here you will be challenged to uphold ethical standards while trying to manage the economic crisis. [Georgia State]
  3. W.P. Carey Monthly Speaker Series: Business professionals and policy makers share their experiences in this speaker series. [Arizona State]
  4. Business Planning: Strengthen your business plan with this lecture. [Ludwig-Maximilians-University]
  5. Entrepreneurship: Consider starting your own business with this lecture. [Cambridge University]
  6. Small Business Management: Here you’ll learn all about business planning, human resources, exporting and more. [Southern Institute of Technology]
  7. Essentials of Advertising: Discover new ways to sell your services. [Arizona State University]

If you’re feeling the pinch in your paycheck, you may or may not feel comfortable going back to school right now, even if it can help your career prospects in the long run. You can, however, visit iTunes U for free access to helpful courses that will enlighten you to the state of the economy, inspire you to start your own business, and give you a little more perspective on what you should be doing with your money.
Economic Principles
Review the basics of economics here.
  1. What’s the point of economics?: Learn why the study of economics is still relevant today. [University of Cambridge]
  2. Microeconomic Analysis: Learn all about resource allocation and price determination in this course. [UC Berkeley]
  3. Trade and Economics: This lecture will teach you all about the role of trade in economics. [CSIS]
  4. Principles of Macroeconomics: This lecture will help you understand the principles of macroeconomics. [Rose State College]
  5. Statistics: This course teaches the fundamentals of statistics. [Texas A&M University]
  6. Using Mathematics: Discover how mathematics is used in the modern world, including to analyze economic problems. [The Open University]
  7. Statistics Tutorials: This series of six statistics tutorials teaches you how to sort data, generate variables, and more. [American University]
These economic policy courses can help you understand the new financial security measures being taken now to protect us in the future.
  1. American Economic History: Better understand the current crisis by studying America’s economic history. [UC Berkeley]
  2. The Political Economy of the Subprime Crisis: Analyze the political response to the credit crisis and subprime crisis. [University of Warwick]
  3. Politics, Economics and Social Issues: Watch these lectures to learn how politics and economics are intertwined in the modern age. [Vanderbilt University]
  4. The Power of Collaboration in Trans-National Action: Discover if and how working together can solve a crisis. [Princeton University]
  5. USC Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events: These two lectures analyze the economic impact of homeland security measures. [University of Southern California]
  6. Politics and Policy: Take a look at globalization and welfare states in this lecture series, which includes topics like controlling health costs, education costs, pension policy and more. [University of Warwick]
  7. In the Wake of Economic Reform: New Prospects for a Nation Building State: Gain insight into this economic reform plan for Australia. [Australian National University]
  8. Climate Change Investments in a Low Carbon Economy: Find out if investing in environmental strategies and policies will boost the economy. [Yale]
Economics and Culture
Here you’ll gain insight into how economics and business growth affects culture, and how society responds to crisis.
  1. Predictably Irrational: Learn how to control your behavior and make smart decisions even during a crisis. [Duke]
  2. Leadership Development: Turn your ideas into veritable business and investment prospects when you take this leadership course. [Baniff Centre]
  3. Understanding Cities: Learn about the culture and economic stress of urban environments in this lecture. [The Open University]
  4. True to Yourself: Leading a Life of Service and Fulfillment: Social entrepreneur Mark S. Albion can give you inspiration to pursue a new direction in life amid financial crisis. [Princeton University]
  5. Leadership for Change — Making Change Happen: Learn about the strategies and characteristics needed to bring about change during a crisis. [University of British Columbia]
  6. Ethical Principles: Apply fundamental ethics principles to the reactions and responses of corporate America, everyday citizens and anyone else affected by the financial crisis. [Florida Institute of Technology]
  7. Happiness, economics and society: Consider whether or not focusing on happiness rather than economic growth would prove beneficial to society. [University of Warwick]
These financial planning and management lectures from speakers at Loyola Marymount, Wellesley, and the London School of Economics coach you during this volatile time.
  1. The Causes and Consequences of the 2008 Financial Crisis: Find out how the present financial crisis all began. [Wellesley]
  2. Market Journal 336: Learn about the stimulus package and surviving the financial crisis. [University of Nebraska]
  3. Financial Management: This series of lectures can help you analyze risk, stocks and budgeting. [ACU]
  4. Financial Planning and Control: This lecture series covers bonds, stocks, portfolio theory, investment basics, tax planning, and more. [Loyola Marymount University]
  5. Money 101: Retirement and Investing: Regain control of your retirement savings here. [American Public Media]
  6. The Credit Crunch and the U.S. Economy: Find out what this lecturer has to offer in terms of perspective on the financial collapse. [London School of Economics]
  7. Villanova School of Business Forum on the Credit Crisis: Watch as this panel fields questions and concerns about the credit crisis. [Villanova University]
  8. Understanding the Financial Crisis: This 2009 lecture series attempts to make sense of the financial meltdown. [UNC Law]
Global Economics
Discover how the markets across the world are all connected, and how globalization is spreading the economic crisis.
  1. Made in China: A Changing China: Learn how China is becoming a new world power. [Stanford]
  2. Globalization and the U.S. Economy: Find out how and when globalization started affecting the U.S. economy. [Stanford]
  3. The Credit Crunch and Global Recession: Understand how the credit crunch is affecting markets around the world and what it means for the future of the current recession. [Oxford University]
  4. Globalization: Is There a Role for Developing Nations?: Learn how developing nations impact and contribute to globalization. [Stanford]
  5. China’s Rise: Implications for the World Economy and Energy Markets: Discover how China’s rise impacts markets all over the world. [Stanford]
  6. Globalization and Business Practices: Discover how business, technology, politics and even culture are intertwined due to globalization. [Georgia State University]
  7. An Open Economy - the Progressive Response to Global Change: Here you’ll learn about a new economic strategy for accommodating rapid global change. [London School of Economics]
  8. The Global Financial Crisis: David Held, Will Hutton and Martin Wolf discuss the global financial crisis. [London School of Economics]
  9. China and Globalization: Find out why this lecturer believes "China is the most important global economic story of the 21st century." [Marketplace]
  10. The Global Economic and Financial Market: Min Zhu, the Vice President of Bank of China Limited leads this lecture. [Princeton University]
  11. The Space of Nations: Territory and History Before Globalization: Get another look at globalization and country relations before globalization. [Vanderbilt University]
  12. The Political Economy of the Global Coal Market: Better understand the environmental and economic implications of a healthy coal market. [Stanford]
  13. The Future of Work: How Globalization and Technology are Changing the Way We Do Our Jobs: By listening to this lecture, you may be able to get an idea of how secure your job is. [CUNY Baruch]
These business lectures will inspire you to start your own business, grow the one you have, and become a better manager and business leader.
  1. Building a Business: Learn about the science of entrepreneurship as well as basic business skills that will keep you afloat. [Oxford University]
  2. Ethics and Corporate Responsibility: Here you will be challenged to uphold ethical standards while trying to manage the economic crisis. [Georgia State]
  3. W.P. Carey Monthly Speaker Series: Business professionals and policy makers share their experiences in this speaker series. [Arizona State]
  4. Business Planning: Strengthen your business plan with this lecture. [Ludwig-Maximilians-University]
  5. Entrepreneurship: Consider starting your own business with this lecture. [Cambridge University]
  6. Small Business Management: Here you’ll learn all about business planning, human resources, exporting and more. [Southern Institute of Technology]
  7. Essentials of Advertising: Discover new ways to sell your services. [Arizona State University]