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100 Free Online Lectures that Will Make You a Better Teacher

If you are a teacher looking for ways to expand your knowledge base, here are 100 free lectures you can watch to help facilitate some of that learning.

Great teachers know that learning doesn’t stop as soon as you graduate from college. Teachers learn from their experience, from their colleagues, from their students, and any number of other resources. If you are a teacher looking for ways to expand your knowledge base, here are 100 free lectures you can watch to help facilitate some of that learning.

Creative Learning Environments
Find out how these creative learning environments have inspired teachers and students alike.
  1. Ken Robinson, (TEDTalks) - Do schools today kill creativity?. Mr. Robinson shares his perspective with humor in this informative and entertaining lecture.
  2. Outdoctrination: Society, Children, Technology and Self Organisation in Education. Sugata Mitra speaks about education and students in remote locations, both geographically and socially.
  3. The Global Dimension: Walter Payton College Prep High School. This math, science, and world language magnet school brings the global community into their school to enhance learning.
  4. Developing Minds: Learning How to Rebuild a Town. High school juniors and seniors combine economics and government to learn how to put together urban development plans.
  5. Around-the-Clock Learning: John Spry Community School. Find out how this school shifted their schedule and spread education beyond the typical school days to help the students get ahead.
  6. Interview - Jean Choplin. Students interview the founder of AIESEC, an organization that empowers students and recent graduates to have a positive impact on society.
  7. Ivy League Scholar Breaks the Rules, Waives the Fees, and Welcomes Harlem Residents. Watch this video to learn about a professor’s work to inspire learners and the implications on creativity and learning.
  8. Global Citizenship post 9/11 - How do they do it in the USA?. Learn how this New York school district teaches with a global perspective in just about all subjects and grade levels.
  9. George Lucas: Sharing His Hope for Education at Dreamforce. George Lucas discusses educational innovation and incorporating businesses in the educational process.
  10. Starting Over: New School Development Group. Find out how educators in Oakland overcame the devastating results of decay and underfunding to give new life to schools and their students.
  11. Ohayo, Portland: Using Foreign Language as a Bridge to Learning. Learn how this partial-immersion Japanese language program in Portland, Oregon teaches more than the basics.
The following videos demonstrate ways to use technology in the classroom and offer tips, lessons, and information.
  1. Rights Management and Educational Repositories. Learn how educators can effectively share resources via technology and stay within the law from this educator.
  2. London Knowledge Lab: Learning, Context And the Role of Technology. Explore learning and technology in this lecture given by Professor Rosemary Luckin from the London Knowledge Lab.
  3. Using video as a lecture tool. Find out how this professor learned from his students and transformed his lectures based on video-taping the lectures.
  4. One Woman’s Wanderings with Web 2.0. This teacher in New Zealand explains how her school implemented technology in the classrooms.
  5. Blogging in the Classroom. Find out the benefits of blogging and learn how to set up a classroom blog.
  6. The Virtual Classroom: Online Learning. Learn how online classes can complement traditional education for today’s students.
  7. RSS in Plain English. Find out why you should use RSS in the classroom and how to do so.
  8. SMART Board in Action. Learn how to use a SMART board in this easy-to-understand video lecture.
  9. What is a pbwiki? These teachers describe what a wiki is and how wikis can be useful in the classroom.
  10. Make Classroom Posters with Microsoft Excel. Learn how to make super-sized posters easily with an Excel spreadsheet.
  11. PowerPoints that Rock. This PowerPoint video lecture explains how effective your presentation should be and how to make it something your audience will remember.
  12. Social Bookmarking in Plain English. Learn how and why social bookmarking works with this video presentation.
  13. Semantic Web: Web 3.0 in Education. Professor Jason Ohler presents his findings on using semantic web in education.
  14. Using GPS and Geocaching in Education. Dr. Alice Christie explains how to use GPS and geocaching as an educational tool in K-12 classrooms.
Information for New Teachers
New teachers will love these videos that offer previews to teaching, helpful hints, and even a little humor.
  1. The Teachers TV ITE Lectures - What Kind of Teacher Will You Be?. Learn about developing your identity in the classroom as well as what shapes your decisions.
  2. Pre-School Teacher Video: Educational Requirements for Pre-School Teachers. Watch this video to learn what kind of education you need to get started as a pre-school teacher.
  3. Approach to teaching. New teachers will learn useful tips from this experienced teacher.
  4. Empowering New Teachers: Bank Street College of Education. Learn how this college teaches new educators ways to effectively communicate with students.
  5. Project Promise: A New Path for Prospective Educators. Professionals making a career switch to teaching learn in this fast-track program how to become effective teachers.
  6. Curry School of Education: Early Classroom Exposure Improves Teacher Preparation. Find out how prospective teachers are learning more helpful teaching techniques from actual in-class experience.
  7. Teacher-Preparation Overview: A Survey of Top Programs. Learn which teaching programs are the top in the US and why they are rated among the best.
  8. Teacher Education Pathway: What New Teachers Should Expect. Focusing on the first year, this lecture offers valuable insight for new teachers.
  9. Teacher Education Pathway: Preparing Portfolios. Learn what a portfolio is, why they are important, and how to create an effective portfolio.
  10. Top 10 Things You Don’t Learn About Teaching in College. A combination of a real David Letterman top 10 list and a creation by new teachers, this top 10 list tells you what you won’t learn about teaching until you get in the classroom.
Information for All Teachers
From teaching in a multicultural society to tips for teachers to teacher support, learn useful information for teachers in these videos.
  1. Lectures: Teacher Education in a Multicultural Society. Dr. Etta Hollins discusses preparing teachers for working more effectively in a multicultural society.
  2. RSA Lectures - Stephen Heppell - Learning 2016. Find out what Heppell and other educators think about the future of learning.
  3. Classroom Quick Start Ideas. Find out some great suggestions for getting started first thing in the morning or when switching between lessons.
  4. Routine in the classroom. This teacher explains what she means by routine and why it’s important to students and teachers alike.
  5. Tricks of the Trade: Quieting Your Classroom. Experienced teachers share their strategies for getting control over a noisy classroom.
  6. Tricks of the Trade: Using Sign Language in the Classroom. Find out how using sign language with younger learners can help with classroom management.
  7. Tricks of the Trade: Using a "Fishbowl" for Discussions. Learn how you can use a "fishbowl" to stimulate discussion, strengthen social skills, and promote positive classroom management.
  8. On Teaching and Education: Jason Kamras, Part One. This 2005 National Teacher of the Year shares his experiences in the classroom. Don’t miss Part Two of this two-part series.
  9. Principal Mentoring: The Push for New School Leaders. With a potential loss of 40% of current principals in the next 10 years, this program of principal mentors has begun to provide a successful influx of new school administrators.
  10. Teacher Support: Sherman Oaks Community Charter School. Learn how teachers at this school receive support from their principal in order to have access to continuing education, more planning time, and other important support measures.
  11. RSA Lectures - Howard Gardner - Future Minds. Listen to Gardner lecture on nurturing mental capacities for a global world, then hear what a group of teachers say about implementing his ideas in the classroom.
Teaching Specific Subjects
Reading, math, and science are all covered in these lectures that share specific ways to teach these subjects in the classroom.
  1. Teaching Storytelling in the Classroom. Watch children tell stories as a backdrop to educators talking about the storytelling experience.
  2. Literature Circles. These teachers demonstrate how to conduct a literature circle using a popular book in this video lecture.
  3. The Magic of Math: Continuing Education Adds Up. Find out how this K-5 school in Oregon boosted math skills by incorporating mathematical ideas throughout all the subjects.
  4. Teach Area and Perimeter Using Google Earth. Follow along as this fourth grade teacher steps you through this engaging math lesson.
  5. Cooperative Arithmetic: How to Teach Math as a Social Activity. Learn from this master teacher as he demonstrates teaching math as a social and emotional lesson.
  6. The Abacus-How to Use This Ancient Wonder. Learn how to use both the Japanese and Chinese abacus for teaching ancient math techniques in the modern class.
  7. for teachers: Videos (Teaching Evolution Case Studies). Watch the four PBS videos filmed in actual classrooms that provide several strategies for teaching evolution.
  8. Geometry using circles and squares. This Teacher of the Year explains her technique for teaching geometry to middle school students.
  9. Erosion Science Lesson. This experienced teacher explains how she teaches erosion to her middle school students.
  10. Understanding Embryonic Stem Cells Part 1. This is the first of a multi-part video lecture series from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute that describes embryonic stem cells and their role in health.
Special Needs
Whether you work exclusively with special needs students or have special needs students in your inclusion classroom, these videos will teach you a bit about the specific needs of these students.
  1. Temple Grandin - Focus on Autism and Asperger’s. Temple Grandin lectures on autism spectrum disorders in the classroom.
  2. Best Practices in the Assessment of Autism. This video has a decidedly medical perspective, but offers useful information for ways to recognize autism.
  3. Beautiful Minds–The Einstein Effect. If you work with children on the autism spectrum, then you will want to check out this video.
  4. Whole Schooling Video Project. Check out the many videos here, organized by category, that address specific needs of inclusion classrooms.
  5. Edutopia AT Video. Find out what type of assistive technology is available for students with special needs and learn how this technology can change the learning experience for students.
  6. School Matters–Coping with Bereavement. Learn how schools can make a difference while helping students deal with bereavement.
  7. Write an Opera - The Voice of Deaf Students. This video presents teachers and hearing-impared students creating operatic pieces worthy of an audience at a popular arts venue in the UK.
  8. Wheelchair Design in Developing Countries. Check out the videos from this class at MIT that explores ways in which innovative students help solve problems for those without access to wheelchairs. The class also explores social stigma, operating wheelchairs in less-than-ideal environments, and other issues for those facing physical challenges.
  9. Just for Governors - Special Needs. Two British school governors share their experiences with special needs students in their schools and offer suggestions for other schools.
  10. Peer-to-Peer Learning: Kids Helping Kids with Autism. Learn how typically-developing children interact with children with autism to help teach social skills.
From film to music to the nature of creativity, watch these videos to learn about teaching the arts.
  1. Art Works: Integrating Creativity in the Curriculum. Learn how this arts academy harnesses students’ passion for the arts while teaching the basics.
  2. A Conversation with Martin Scorsese: The Importance of Visual Literacy. Martin Scorsese discusses the importance of teaching and learning visual literacy.
  3. Action! Teacher Video - Primary Art. Watch as this teacher discusses how he brought together a professional artist, teachers, and students to result in a positive program that increased student confidence and learning.
  4. The Teaching Challenge - The Car Restorer. Learn how this famous car restorer worked with students to help gain a new logo for his company and to teach students about art and inspiration.
  5. Music and dance Drive Academic Achievement. This video discusses Opening Minds Through the Arts (OMA) as an enhancement to overall learning in Tucson, Arizona.
  6. Learning and Working in the Collaborative Age: A New Model for the Workplace. Learn what Pixar University’s Randy Nelson believes schools must do to better prepare students for careers in new media.
  7. Animating Dreams: The ACME Animation Program. Professional cartoonists share their experience and knowledge with students in this program that provides students with skills and education beyond the art classroom.
  8. Music Perception and Cognition. Watch the introductory video from the instructor of this MIT class that discusses the psychology of music perception.
  9. The Nature of Creativity. Another MIT course, this one offers videos of lectures from this class that explores imagination and innovation as it pertains to art, philosophy, and psychology.
  10. The Film Experience. Watch the video lectures here that chronicle the history of narrative film in this class from MIT.
Physical Education and Health Education
Learn new techniques for physical education classes, the importance of sports in schools, or about sexual health with these physical and health education videos.
  1. Smart Moves: The New PE. From zip lining to untying a human knot, find out what new activities for PE are great for both body and mind.
  2. Student Body: Classroom Exercises Make Learning Lively. Learn four techniques to use in the classroom to get students focused and re-energized.
  3. Get out into wilderness and boost your self esteem! Learn how exercising in the great outdoors can help your students feel better about themselves in this British video.
  4. Contemporary Activities in K-12 Physical Education. Find new activities for PE classes, why they are important for students, and how to assemble your own curriculum in this video series.
  5. Yoga Across the Curriculum. Watch to see what happens when a teacher brings yoga into her classroom.
  6. Estelle Morris Meets - Sue Campbell. Sue Campbell discusses the importance of sports in schools and her influence over sports in the British school system.
  7. The Teaching Challenge - Kelly Holmes. Watch this Olympic gold medallist teach basketball and listen as she shares her experiences as an athlete.
  8. Nature Deficit Disorder: Mother Nature’s Role in Health and Wellness. Dr. Karla Henderson lectures on getting out in nature to promote health and wellness.
  9. Sexual Health (Thinking outside the Box: Moving Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) testing out of the Clinic and into the Community). Learn what these two experts say about their research and the importance of public information about STDs.
  10. Our Bodies, Ourselves. This lecture discusses pregnancy and women’s health care.
Lectures from Influential Professors
Go back to school with these lectures from college professors at top universities sharing lectures directly from their classrooms that can broaden your knowledge base and provide instruction on improving your oratory skills.
  1. Telling a Free Story: Fugitive Slaves and the Underground Railroad in Myth and Reality. Beginning with slave narratives, dive into the culture of antebellum reform by examining the multiple facets of this historic time in American history.
  2. Legacies of the Civil War. Explore three strains of Civil War "memory" that affect the US today.
  3. Russia: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Listen to Senator Bill Bradley as he lectures at Princeton on his thoughts about Russia from his experience working there.
  4. The American Novel Since 1945. Watch these video lectures from Amy Hungerford’s class at Yale and learn about American authors like Flannery O’Connor, Jack Kerouac, and J.D. Salinger.
  5. Milton. John Rogers discusses John Milton’s poetry, prose, and his influence on English poetry.
  6. Linear Algebra. This is actually 35 video lectures documenting Gilbert Strang’s class at MIT on Linear Algebra.
  7. Differential Equations. Learn all about differential equations in this class taught by Arthur Mattuck.
  8. Introduction to Algorithms. Watch these videos to learn all about algorithms from Charles E. Leiserson.
  9. Introduction to Ancient Greek History. Learn all about Greek history in this video series from Yale professor Donald Kagan.
  10. The Paris Commune and It’s Legacy. Explore the history of the Paris commune of 1871 and it’s impact on modern-day France.
  11. Photosynthesis - from light to ATP. Learn about light reactions that occur during photosynthesis in this lecture.
  12. Photosynthesis - from CO2 to sugars. Continue learning about photosynthesis with this lecture that discusses fixed reactions.
  13. The World is Flat 3.0. Thomas Friedman discusses the basis of his books and what he has to say about globalization.
  14. How Do We Communicate?: Language in the Brain, Mouth and the Hands. Take a close look at human’s acquisition and use of language in this lecture from Yale’s Paul Bloom.

If you are a teacher looking for ways to expand your knowledge base, here are 100 free lectures you can watch to help facilitate some of that learning.

Great teachers know that learning doesn’t stop as soon as you graduate from college. Teachers learn from their experience, from their colleagues, from their students, and any number of other resources. If you are a teacher looking for ways to expand your knowledge base, here are 100 free lectures you can watch to help facilitate some of that learning.

Creative Learning Environments
Find out how these creative learning environments have inspired teachers and students alike.
  1. Ken Robinson, (TEDTalks) - Do schools today kill creativity?. Mr. Robinson shares his perspective with humor in this informative and entertaining lecture.
  2. Outdoctrination: Society, Children, Technology and Self Organisation in Education. Sugata Mitra speaks about education and students in remote locations, both geographically and socially.
  3. The Global Dimension: Walter Payton College Prep High School. This math, science, and world language magnet school brings the global community into their school to enhance learning.
  4. Developing Minds: Learning How to Rebuild a Town. High school juniors and seniors combine economics and government to learn how to put together urban development plans.
  5. Around-the-Clock Learning: John Spry Community School. Find out how this school shifted their schedule and spread education beyond the typical school days to help the students get ahead.
  6. Interview - Jean Choplin. Students interview the founder of AIESEC, an organization that empowers students and recent graduates to have a positive impact on society.
  7. Ivy League Scholar Breaks the Rules, Waives the Fees, and Welcomes Harlem Residents. Watch this video to learn about a professor’s work to inspire learners and the implications on creativity and learning.
  8. Global Citizenship post 9/11 - How do they do it in the USA?. Learn how this New York school district teaches with a global perspective in just about all subjects and grade levels.
  9. George Lucas: Sharing His Hope for Education at Dreamforce. George Lucas discusses educational innovation and incorporating businesses in the educational process.
  10. Starting Over: New School Development Group. Find out how educators in Oakland overcame the devastating results of decay and underfunding to give new life to schools and their students.
  11. Ohayo, Portland: Using Foreign Language as a Bridge to Learning. Learn how this partial-immersion Japanese language program in Portland, Oregon teaches more than the basics.
The following videos demonstrate ways to use technology in the classroom and offer tips, lessons, and information.
  1. Rights Management and Educational Repositories. Learn how educators can effectively share resources via technology and stay within the law from this educator.
  2. London Knowledge Lab: Learning, Context And the Role of Technology. Explore learning and technology in this lecture given by Professor Rosemary Luckin from the London Knowledge Lab.
  3. Using video as a lecture tool. Find out how this professor learned from his students and transformed his lectures based on video-taping the lectures.
  4. One Woman’s Wanderings with Web 2.0. This teacher in New Zealand explains how her school implemented technology in the classrooms.
  5. Blogging in the Classroom. Find out the benefits of blogging and learn how to set up a classroom blog.
  6. The Virtual Classroom: Online Learning. Learn how online classes can complement traditional education for today’s students.
  7. RSS in Plain English. Find out why you should use RSS in the classroom and how to do so.
  8. SMART Board in Action. Learn how to use a SMART board in this easy-to-understand video lecture.
  9. What is a pbwiki? These teachers describe what a wiki is and how wikis can be useful in the classroom.
  10. Make Classroom Posters with Microsoft Excel. Learn how to make super-sized posters easily with an Excel spreadsheet.
  11. PowerPoints that Rock. This PowerPoint video lecture explains how effective your presentation should be and how to make it something your audience will remember.
  12. Social Bookmarking in Plain English. Learn how and why social bookmarking works with this video presentation.
  13. Semantic Web: Web 3.0 in Education. Professor Jason Ohler presents his findings on using semantic web in education.
  14. Using GPS and Geocaching in Education. Dr. Alice Christie explains how to use GPS and geocaching as an educational tool in K-12 classrooms.
Information for New Teachers
New teachers will love these videos that offer previews to teaching, helpful hints, and even a little humor.
  1. The Teachers TV ITE Lectures - What Kind of Teacher Will You Be?. Learn about developing your identity in the classroom as well as what shapes your decisions.
  2. Pre-School Teacher Video: Educational Requirements for Pre-School Teachers. Watch this video to learn what kind of education you need to get started as a pre-school teacher.
  3. Approach to teaching. New teachers will learn useful tips from this experienced teacher.
  4. Empowering New Teachers: Bank Street College of Education. Learn how this college teaches new educators ways to effectively communicate with students.
  5. Project Promise: A New Path for Prospective Educators. Professionals making a career switch to teaching learn in this fast-track program how to become effective teachers.
  6. Curry School of Education: Early Classroom Exposure Improves Teacher Preparation. Find out how prospective teachers are learning more helpful teaching techniques from actual in-class experience.
  7. Teacher-Preparation Overview: A Survey of Top Programs. Learn which teaching programs are the top in the US and why they are rated among the best.
  8. Teacher Education Pathway: What New Teachers Should Expect. Focusing on the first year, this lecture offers valuable insight for new teachers.
  9. Teacher Education Pathway: Preparing Portfolios. Learn what a portfolio is, why they are important, and how to create an effective portfolio.
  10. Top 10 Things You Don’t Learn About Teaching in College. A combination of a real David Letterman top 10 list and a creation by new teachers, this top 10 list tells you what you won’t learn about teaching until you get in the classroom.
Information for All Teachers
From teaching in a multicultural society to tips for teachers to teacher support, learn useful information for teachers in these videos.
  1. Lectures: Teacher Education in a Multicultural Society. Dr. Etta Hollins discusses preparing teachers for working more effectively in a multicultural society.
  2. RSA Lectures - Stephen Heppell - Learning 2016. Find out what Heppell and other educators think about the future of learning.
  3. Classroom Quick Start Ideas. Find out some great suggestions for getting started first thing in the morning or when switching between lessons.
  4. Routine in the classroom. This teacher explains what she means by routine and why it’s important to students and teachers alike.
  5. Tricks of the Trade: Quieting Your Classroom. Experienced teachers share their strategies for getting control over a noisy classroom.
  6. Tricks of the Trade: Using Sign Language in the Classroom. Find out how using sign language with younger learners can help with classroom management.
  7. Tricks of the Trade: Using a "Fishbowl" for Discussions. Learn how you can use a "fishbowl" to stimulate discussion, strengthen social skills, and promote positive classroom management.
  8. On Teaching and Education: Jason Kamras, Part One. This 2005 National Teacher of the Year shares his experiences in the classroom. Don’t miss Part Two of this two-part series.
  9. Principal Mentoring: The Push for New School Leaders. With a potential loss of 40% of current principals in the next 10 years, this program of principal mentors has begun to provide a successful influx of new school administrators.
  10. Teacher Support: Sherman Oaks Community Charter School. Learn how teachers at this school receive support from their principal in order to have access to continuing education, more planning time, and other important support measures.
  11. RSA Lectures - Howard Gardner - Future Minds. Listen to Gardner lecture on nurturing mental capacities for a global world, then hear what a group of teachers say about implementing his ideas in the classroom.
Teaching Specific Subjects
Reading, math, and science are all covered in these lectures that share specific ways to teach these subjects in the classroom.
  1. Teaching Storytelling in the Classroom. Watch children tell stories as a backdrop to educators talking about the storytelling experience.
  2. Literature Circles. These teachers demonstrate how to conduct a literature circle using a popular book in this video lecture.
  3. The Magic of Math: Continuing Education Adds Up. Find out how this K-5 school in Oregon boosted math skills by incorporating mathematical ideas throughout all the subjects.
  4. Teach Area and Perimeter Using Google Earth. Follow along as this fourth grade teacher steps you through this engaging math lesson.
  5. Cooperative Arithmetic: How to Teach Math as a Social Activity. Learn from this master teacher as he demonstrates teaching math as a social and emotional lesson.
  6. The Abacus-How to Use This Ancient Wonder. Learn how to use both the Japanese and Chinese abacus for teaching ancient math techniques in the modern class.
  7. for teachers: Videos (Teaching Evolution Case Studies). Watch the four PBS videos filmed in actual classrooms that provide several strategies for teaching evolution.
  8. Geometry using circles and squares. This Teacher of the Year explains her technique for teaching geometry to middle school students.
  9. Erosion Science Lesson. This experienced teacher explains how she teaches erosion to her middle school students.
  10. Understanding Embryonic Stem Cells Part 1. This is the first of a multi-part video lecture series from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute that describes embryonic stem cells and their role in health.
Special Needs
Whether you work exclusively with special needs students or have special needs students in your inclusion classroom, these videos will teach you a bit about the specific needs of these students.
  1. Temple Grandin - Focus on Autism and Asperger’s. Temple Grandin lectures on autism spectrum disorders in the classroom.
  2. Best Practices in the Assessment of Autism. This video has a decidedly medical perspective, but offers useful information for ways to recognize autism.
  3. Beautiful Minds–The Einstein Effect. If you work with children on the autism spectrum, then you will want to check out this video.
  4. Whole Schooling Video Project. Check out the many videos here, organized by category, that address specific needs of inclusion classrooms.
  5. Edutopia AT Video. Find out what type of assistive technology is available for students with special needs and learn how this technology can change the learning experience for students.
  6. School Matters–Coping with Bereavement. Learn how schools can make a difference while helping students deal with bereavement.
  7. Write an Opera - The Voice of Deaf Students. This video presents teachers and hearing-impared students creating operatic pieces worthy of an audience at a popular arts venue in the UK.
  8. Wheelchair Design in Developing Countries. Check out the videos from this class at MIT that explores ways in which innovative students help solve problems for those without access to wheelchairs. The class also explores social stigma, operating wheelchairs in less-than-ideal environments, and other issues for those facing physical challenges.
  9. Just for Governors - Special Needs. Two British school governors share their experiences with special needs students in their schools and offer suggestions for other schools.
  10. Peer-to-Peer Learning: Kids Helping Kids with Autism. Learn how typically-developing children interact with children with autism to help teach social skills.
From film to music to the nature of creativity, watch these videos to learn about teaching the arts.
  1. Art Works: Integrating Creativity in the Curriculum. Learn how this arts academy harnesses students’ passion for the arts while teaching the basics.
  2. A Conversation with Martin Scorsese: The Importance of Visual Literacy. Martin Scorsese discusses the importance of teaching and learning visual literacy.
  3. Action! Teacher Video - Primary Art. Watch as this teacher discusses how he brought together a professional artist, teachers, and students to result in a positive program that increased student confidence and learning.
  4. The Teaching Challenge - The Car Restorer. Learn how this famous car restorer worked with students to help gain a new logo for his company and to teach students about art and inspiration.
  5. Music and dance Drive Academic Achievement. This video discusses Opening Minds Through the Arts (OMA) as an enhancement to overall learning in Tucson, Arizona.
  6. Learning and Working in the Collaborative Age: A New Model for the Workplace. Learn what Pixar University’s Randy Nelson believes schools must do to better prepare students for careers in new media.
  7. Animating Dreams: The ACME Animation Program. Professional cartoonists share their experience and knowledge with students in this program that provides students with skills and education beyond the art classroom.
  8. Music Perception and Cognition. Watch the introductory video from the instructor of this MIT class that discusses the psychology of music perception.
  9. The Nature of Creativity. Another MIT course, this one offers videos of lectures from this class that explores imagination and innovation as it pertains to art, philosophy, and psychology.
  10. The Film Experience. Watch the video lectures here that chronicle the history of narrative film in this class from MIT.
Physical Education and Health Education
Learn new techniques for physical education classes, the importance of sports in schools, or about sexual health with these physical and health education videos.
  1. Smart Moves: The New PE. From zip lining to untying a human knot, find out what new activities for PE are great for both body and mind.
  2. Student Body: Classroom Exercises Make Learning Lively. Learn four techniques to use in the classroom to get students focused and re-energized.
  3. Get out into wilderness and boost your self esteem! Learn how exercising in the great outdoors can help your students feel better about themselves in this British video.
  4. Contemporary Activities in K-12 Physical Education. Find new activities for PE classes, why they are important for students, and how to assemble your own curriculum in this video series.
  5. Yoga Across the Curriculum. Watch to see what happens when a teacher brings yoga into her classroom.
  6. Estelle Morris Meets - Sue Campbell. Sue Campbell discusses the importance of sports in schools and her influence over sports in the British school system.
  7. The Teaching Challenge - Kelly Holmes. Watch this Olympic gold medallist teach basketball and listen as she shares her experiences as an athlete.
  8. Nature Deficit Disorder: Mother Nature’s Role in Health and Wellness. Dr. Karla Henderson lectures on getting out in nature to promote health and wellness.
  9. Sexual Health (Thinking outside the Box: Moving Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) testing out of the Clinic and into the Community). Learn what these two experts say about their research and the importance of public information about STDs.
  10. Our Bodies, Ourselves. This lecture discusses pregnancy and women’s health care.
Lectures from Influential Professors
Go back to school with these lectures from college professors at top universities sharing lectures directly from their classrooms that can broaden your knowledge base and provide instruction on improving your oratory skills.
  1. Telling a Free Story: Fugitive Slaves and the Underground Railroad in Myth and Reality. Beginning with slave narratives, dive into the culture of antebellum reform by examining the multiple facets of this historic time in American history.
  2. Legacies of the Civil War. Explore three strains of Civil War "memory" that affect the US today.
  3. Russia: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Listen to Senator Bill Bradley as he lectures at Princeton on his thoughts about Russia from his experience working there.
  4. The American Novel Since 1945. Watch these video lectures from Amy Hungerford’s class at Yale and learn about American authors like Flannery O’Connor, Jack Kerouac, and J.D. Salinger.
  5. Milton. John Rogers discusses John Milton’s poetry, prose, and his influence on English poetry.
  6. Linear Algebra. This is actually 35 video lectures documenting Gilbert Strang’s class at MIT on Linear Algebra.
  7. Differential Equations. Learn all about differential equations in this class taught by Arthur Mattuck.
  8. Introduction to Algorithms. Watch these videos to learn all about algorithms from Charles E. Leiserson.
  9. Introduction to Ancient Greek History. Learn all about Greek history in this video series from Yale professor Donald Kagan.
  10. The Paris Commune and It’s Legacy. Explore the history of the Paris commune of 1871 and it’s impact on modern-day France.
  11. Photosynthesis - from light to ATP. Learn about light reactions that occur during photosynthesis in this lecture.
  12. Photosynthesis - from CO2 to sugars. Continue learning about photosynthesis with this lecture that discusses fixed reactions.
  13. The World is Flat 3.0. Thomas Friedman discusses the basis of his books and what he has to say about globalization.
  14. How Do We Communicate?: Language in the Brain, Mouth and the Hands. Take a close look at human’s acquisition and use of language in this lecture from Yale’s Paul Bloom.