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Top 25 ETF Tweeples Worth a Follow on Twitter


Are you interested in ETFs? An exchange-traded fund is an investment vehicle traded on stock exchanges, much like stocks. An ETF, however, holds assets such as stocks or bonds and trades at approximately the same price as the net asset value of its underlying assets over the course of the trading day. Additionally, most ETFs track an index, such as the Dow or the S&P 500.

TwitterIf you’re interested, then you might follow some of the ETF gurus listed below. Some of the twenty-five Tweeples (Twitter people) focus solely on ETFs as business, and others are individuals who focus on these index funds as a serious hobby. Some focus on a broad range of financial vehicles, but ETFs are part of their portfolios.

The twenty-five ETF Tweeple listed below are in alphabetical order after the “@” sign. This method assures readers that we don’t favor one person or institution over another. As a side note, some financial institutions such as Bloomberg are not on Twitter - yet - and others, such as Stanley Bing from The Street, have deleted their accounts.
  1. @bizweek: Follow Business Week for business news, stock market and financial advice, including news and trends in exchange traded funds.
  2. @chrismjones72: Keystone Financial Planning founder and principal who is an index fund advocate.
  3. @DanTanner: Dan is a resource for investment banking, stocks, options and more.
  4. @Day_Trades: Receive access to information about swing trades, stocks, ETFs and more.
  5. @etfdb: Tips and strategies for a low cost, high return ETF portfolio.
  6. @etfdigest: Follow Dave’s daily ETF Blog with global market summary at a glance.
  7. @ETFtrading: Follow a leader in investing in best performing ETFs.
  8. @etftrends: ETFtrends offers daily news and commentary about trends in the Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) world. They focus on the significant news and provide timely investment advice.
  9. @financialtimes: If you want to trade index funds, you need to know about world business and financial and political news. You’ll get it here from Financial Times.
  10. @FTSE: Follow six FTSE (also known as “Footsie”, the Financial Times and Stock Exchange) market reports per day, direct from the floor of the London Stock Exchange. They publishes indices and specialize in index calculation.
  11. InvestWithIman : Internet entrepreneur who focuses on day trading, fund management, wide-ranging financial news and more.
  12. @LeverageIam : A tweet-filled page focused on ETFs from an ETF trader.
  13. @MarketCurrents: If you’re seeking the market’s alpha trends, follow SeekingAlpha’s market currents on Twitter.
  14. @mattbrownnyc : Take time out to follow this ETF professional and electric bass player.
  15. @MorningstarRSS: Get stock and mutual fund quotes, research reports and tools for making better investing and 401k decisions.
  16. @RickAckerman: Rick provides a stock, commodity and mini-index newsletter and shares his knowledge on Twitter.
  17. @steenbab: Meet Brett Steenbarger, a trading psychologist, author and blogger who also is a stock index trader.
  18. @stock_exchange : Follow if you’re interested in stock exchange, trade stocks or stock market news.
  19. @StockTwits : Follow these tweets for real-time stock conversations.
  20. @stoxx: Learn about the latest stock market news and market commentary from an investor in stocks, bonds and mutual funds.
  21. @TheKellyLetter: This investment letter tweets advisories covering stock market forecasts, stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, commodities, and general investing.
  22. @tipd: Your daily dose of crowdsourced financial news, including ETFs.
  23. @TomLydon: ETF Trends editor brings breaking news and market trends relating to exchange traded funds.
  24. @wallstreet1929: Landscape architect, artist, index, ETF and equity options hobbyist with a good number of followers.
  25. @wsj: This is the Twitter version of the Wall Street Journal from New York, NY.


Are you interested in ETFs? An exchange-traded fund is an investment vehicle traded on stock exchanges, much like stocks. An ETF, however, holds assets such as stocks or bonds and trades at approximately the same price as the net asset value of its underlying assets over the course of the trading day. Additionally, most ETFs track an index, such as the Dow or the S&P 500.

TwitterIf you’re interested, then you might follow some of the ETF gurus listed below. Some of the twenty-five Tweeples (Twitter people) focus solely on ETFs as business, and others are individuals who focus on these index funds as a serious hobby. Some focus on a broad range of financial vehicles, but ETFs are part of their portfolios.

The twenty-five ETF Tweeple listed below are in alphabetical order after the “@” sign. This method assures readers that we don’t favor one person or institution over another. As a side note, some financial institutions such as Bloomberg are not on Twitter - yet - and others, such as Stanley Bing from The Street, have deleted their accounts.
  1. @bizweek: Follow Business Week for business news, stock market and financial advice, including news and trends in exchange traded funds.
  2. @chrismjones72: Keystone Financial Planning founder and principal who is an index fund advocate.
  3. @DanTanner: Dan is a resource for investment banking, stocks, options and more.
  4. @Day_Trades: Receive access to information about swing trades, stocks, ETFs and more.
  5. @etfdb: Tips and strategies for a low cost, high return ETF portfolio.
  6. @etfdigest: Follow Dave’s daily ETF Blog with global market summary at a glance.
  7. @ETFtrading: Follow a leader in investing in best performing ETFs.
  8. @etftrends: ETFtrends offers daily news and commentary about trends in the Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) world. They focus on the significant news and provide timely investment advice.
  9. @financialtimes: If you want to trade index funds, you need to know about world business and financial and political news. You’ll get it here from Financial Times.
  10. @FTSE: Follow six FTSE (also known as “Footsie”, the Financial Times and Stock Exchange) market reports per day, direct from the floor of the London Stock Exchange. They publishes indices and specialize in index calculation.
  11. InvestWithIman : Internet entrepreneur who focuses on day trading, fund management, wide-ranging financial news and more.
  12. @LeverageIam : A tweet-filled page focused on ETFs from an ETF trader.
  13. @MarketCurrents: If you’re seeking the market’s alpha trends, follow SeekingAlpha’s market currents on Twitter.
  14. @mattbrownnyc : Take time out to follow this ETF professional and electric bass player.
  15. @MorningstarRSS: Get stock and mutual fund quotes, research reports and tools for making better investing and 401k decisions.
  16. @RickAckerman: Rick provides a stock, commodity and mini-index newsletter and shares his knowledge on Twitter.
  17. @steenbab: Meet Brett Steenbarger, a trading psychologist, author and blogger who also is a stock index trader.
  18. @stock_exchange : Follow if you’re interested in stock exchange, trade stocks or stock market news.
  19. @StockTwits : Follow these tweets for real-time stock conversations.
  20. @stoxx: Learn about the latest stock market news and market commentary from an investor in stocks, bonds and mutual funds.
  21. @TheKellyLetter: This investment letter tweets advisories covering stock market forecasts, stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, commodities, and general investing.
  22. @tipd: Your daily dose of crowdsourced financial news, including ETFs.
  23. @TomLydon: ETF Trends editor brings breaking news and market trends relating to exchange traded funds.
  24. @wallstreet1929: Landscape architect, artist, index, ETF and equity options hobbyist with a good number of followers.
  25. @wsj: This is the Twitter version of the Wall Street Journal from New York, NY.